What are video LUTs? In simplified terms, these are color tables where a certain command in video editors goes to "see" how it will display the colors. There are many such records or tebels on the market, some are free, others are paid. But what they all have in common is to give your video some color. A video LUT contains information about colors, contrasts, brightness, etc. We can easily use them to illustrate, for example, simulation of a retro 16mm film camera, various filters, warm or cool tones. Video LUTs are mostly used by more complex video editors such as DaVinci, Adobe Premier, Final cut,….
We can also create a video LUT ourselves. The easiest way is as follows: In a program such as Lightroom, we process some of our RAW photos with filters, adjust the contrasts, brightness, color tone, etc., until we are satisfied with the appearance. Then we open the neutral LUT map, which we also imported into the program earlier. It looks like this (you can also download it here for your needs):
We copy all the settings we used when processing the test photo onto it and then export it to the hard disk. The processed LUT map is then inserted into LUT generator
The resulting file can then be used in video processing. We usually find "Custom LUT" among the filters, and when the program asks us for the file, we find the path where we saved it from the LUT generator.
It might look a bit complicated at first glance, but it really isn't.